
how to become an appliance repair technician

Demand for appliance repair technicians in the United States is skyrocketing. Appliances breakdown all the time and there are not enough qualified technicians to fix them. Due to the ever-growing demand, the appliance repair industry is the ideal place to start a new job. From those looking for an extra cash source on the side to those looking for a lucrative full-time career, appliance repair might be the occupation for you. What's holding you back?

A common concern that we hear from those looking to enter the appliance repair industry is people worrying about how long it will take for them to learn the skills to become a technician. Depending on the program that you go through, appliance repair training can take you anywhere from 30 days to 2 years to complete. The financial commitment of these courses also ranges from free to tens of thousands of dollars. The key to getting into the industry in a prepared and timely fashion is to choose the right training program. Here are two tried and tested paths that we recommend for becoming an appliance repair technicians.


There are other alternatives to expensive programs. A good alternative is getting an apprenticeship in the repair industry. This involves shadowing a qualified technician to learn how to complete work orders. You need to find a local appliance repair technician and talk to them about whether they would consider taking on an apprentice. Finding an experienced technician who is willing to teach you is the most difficult part of an apprenticeship.

This style of learning has major benefits as you gain hands-on experience rather than just learning a curriculum. It is fun and allows you to build a relationship with your mentor who will guide you through the starting points of your career.

The risk with an apprenticeship is that it doesn't guarantee you a full-time job after the apprenticeship is completed. There is also a potential for a low starting wage as you are shadowing your mentor. Don't worry though because, after this apprenticeship, you will have the opportunity to become your own boss and own your own business.

Appliance Repair Schools

Appliance schools exist in many different styles: in-person, online, self-taught, proctored, and more. Choosing the right school for you is crucial to your success. Different schools offer different teaching methods and perks. You should make sure to check the price, duration, and mentorship opportunities available to you through the program before committing to a school.

Check out this blog post for more key aspects to consider when choosing an appliance repair school.

Nana Academy

Under the category of appliance repair schools is Nana Academy. With Nana Academy, you can become an appliance repair technician and earn $5,000 or more a month just by completing two FREE online classes and a short in-person mentorship in as little as 30 days.

Nana Academy provides online and in-person technical training courses from appliance repair basics to specializations like laundry, cooking, and refrigeration.​ Nana Academy even has soft-skills training courses for how to best communicate with customers and other business best practices. Two completed courses are required to move onto the next stage. Completing two courses typically takes only 15 hours of online study.

Upon completion of the technical training, you can get matched with a Nana mentor. This is an expert technician in your local area. You will join them for a series of ride-alongs where you receive hands-on training and real-world experience. Completing 50 repairs with your mentor will get you to graduation from Nana Academy. This can take as little as 15 days.

Unlike most other appliance repair training programs, Nana allows students the opportunity for job placement upon completion of the program. After finishing your ride-alongs and mentorships, you will be eligible to become a technician on the Nana platform. Once you graduate, you can immediately begin earning $5,000 or more a month by completing your own repair jobs in our active cities. Nana will connect you to appliance repair jobs in your local area. Nana takes care of marketing, new customer acquisition, and parts orderings for you. Nana technicians also have a team of technicians that can be contacted at any time for assistance on-the-job and continuously updated online knowledge banks for constant learning and support off-the-job.

From starting Academy you can get to your first paid job in 30 days, allowing you to launch a new career in just one month.

See what high-demand markets Nana Academy is actively seeking new technicians in, here

Our Locations

Earn $5,000 or More a Month in These Cities

Anyone in any location can take classes for FREE on Nana Academy. We currently only offer mentoring and paid jobs in the following locations:

San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento, Stockton, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego

Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio

Not in an active market? Join the waitlist and be the first to know when we launch paid repair jobs in your city. You can still take classes for free anytime.

Are you a current technician with years of experience? Learn more about Nana Home and how you can supplement your income with repair jobs from the Nana Home platform.

how to become an appliance repair technician


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