
How To Fix Blush That Cracked

Raise your hand if you've shed some tears over shattering some of your makeup products. I know all of us beauty lovers have experienced this heartbreak at one point or another. All the more heartbreaking if it's a limited edition item. I still remember when my favourite blush broke into a million pieces. I reached out to grab something and bam, it just dropped to the floor. But luckily throughout the years, there has been an influx of ways to salvage some of them through the DIY process on the internet. We even have some indie brands coming up with products to help you through the fix-it process as well. So before you toss that eyeshadow of yours into the trash assess the damage. You might just be able to breathe some new life into it with some clever hacks and save a little money in the process.

How does one fix makeup you ask? Well, there are a couple of different ways and it really depends on the type of product you broke. Powder products are by far the easiest ones to fix and select cream products can also be revived. However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind before salvaging broken makeup products:

  • If the product has passed its expiration date toss it in the trash.
  • Take a hard look at your makeup, especially if it's a liquid or cream as they go bad quicker than powders. If its' changed colour or smells off it could be a sign of bacteria in your makeup, so let it go.
  • Broke a foundation glass bottle? Don't attempt to use or collect it for future use, dispose of it carefully. The product could contain tiny shards of glass your naked eye can't see.

1. Powders

I'm always surprised by how many different types of powder products we use in makeup, luckily there are a few genuine fixes for them. Whether it's foundation compacts, bronzers, highlighters or eyeshadow here are some effective methods that should work for your broken makeup.

Method 1: Re-press

The most popular method is the use of a small amount of Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol. You'll also need a spoon, paper towel and a bowl. If you want to avoid using alcohol you can easily swap it for some rosewater.

  • Step 1: Start by dumping all your product into a container and use your spoon to crush up the chunks into a fine powder.
  • Step 2: Add just a few drops of isopropyl rubbing alcohol depending on the size of the product. You can add more later if needed but start with a small amount.
  • Step 3: Mix the powder and alcohol really well to create a goopy sort of consistency.
  • Step 4: Take the contents with a spoon or spatula and gently place it back in the compact. Smooth it out and tap the container to avoid any air bubbles forming and leave it out to dry.
  • Step 6: You need to check when the product is mostly dry but still a little damp. You'll know this by dabbing at it with your finger. If it leaves an indent without a lot of product sticking at your fingers it's the right stage to cover with a paper towel.
  • Step 7: Cover the compact with a paper towel and use a flat surface like a book or the palm of your hand on top to gently press down on the product. This will make sure to pick up any excess alcohol and presses the product back into place.
  • Step 8: Wait for about a day for it to completely dry up before using it.

Method 2: Loose Powder

You can easily turn your beloved compact face powder into a loose version. All you need to do it empty the broken powder and its remnants into a ziplock bag. Seal it and crush the pieces into a fine powder from the outside with a spoon. Next, put the powder through a sieve with a clean container underneath. Keep stirring it with a spoon until it falls into the container, this will make sure the pieces are completely broken up and you get a fine smooth loose powder as an end result.  This technique works best with setting powders or powder foundations where you don't have to be as precise like pigmented bronzers or blush.

Method 3: Remove Hard Film On Powders

When using your blush or bronzer you might have noticed that the product you love so much suddenly develops a hard surface losing its pigmented qualities with your brush not picking up enough product, This is often the result of a film being created on top of the surface due to the transfer of oils on makeup brushes from your face. It also happens a lot with eyeshadows when you wet them before use. In this case, there two ways to salvage your makeup. First is by gently scraping the top layer, but this can result in wasting the product or risk cracking it if you're not careful. The second way is easier and all you need is tape.

  • Step 1: You'll need clear or scotch tape. I've seen some even use heavy-duty packing tape.
  • Step 2: Cut a small piece and stick it on the surface of the powder.
  • Step 3: Gently peel it off. The hard film sticks to the tape and removes the top layer of the product. You might need to do repeat this step 2-3 times but you'll have your favourite product back to its original use.

2. Cream Products

The most common complaint of cream blush or eyeshadows are when they slowly start to dry out, develops a crack and it doesn't perform like it used to. In this case, the fix is easy by just an adding a few drops of saline solution and mixing it in. It restores the moisture without compromising the colour or wear. But before trying this hack please pay attention to the sight and smells of your product. If your broken makeup has expired or gone bad for some reason its best to throw it out and not reutilize it.

3. Lipsticks

Don't you just hate it when your favourite lipstick bullet breaks? I've gone through this issue even with new lipsticks especially if the formula is super soft and I go in too aggressively. Sadly this can be a bit difficult to repair back to its perfect condition but there are two ways you can easily recover the product. Plus you can use these methods fix for other stick products as well.

Method 1: Seal the edges

  • Step 1: This works best if your lipstick snaps off halfway or still has the base piece attached. Hold the lighter under the top broken piece for about 6-7 seconds. Not to close mind you otherwise it will melt.
  • Step 2: Place this piece on top of the base gently pushing it down.
  • Step 3: If it's not fused well, for approx 1-2 seconds move the lights around the separated edges to seal it. Let it sit for a few minutes and then clean up rough sections as needed.
  • Step 4: Leave it in the fridge overnight to set and harden and your good to go.

Method 2: Melt and repurpose

  • Step 1: Collect the broken pieces and any dig out any leftover lipstick from the lipstick tube
  • Step 2: Get a small round travel size container-like a lip balm pot, and smoosh the product into it.
  • Step 3: Microwave the container for a few seconds so it melts and sits smoothly in the container. Alternatively, you can also melt the lipstick in a metal spoon over a candle then pour it into the container.
  • Step 4: Then let it cool in the fridge overnight before using it with a lip brush or your finger.

Have you broken some of your makeup before? How did you fix it? Let us know in the comments below

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How To Fix Blush That Cracked


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